Sleep Restore Based On EMDR
Overcome the Stress that’s keeping you awake
Can I play tracks from the app if I am offline?
To be able to listen to all the tracks a user has, they need to tap ‘play’ button for all the tracks one by one and stay online for some time allowing the application save all the selected tracks locally.
How can I prevent it from going from the end of the track that I've chosen directly to the next track?
In the Sleep Restore app the logic is more about playlists, not about single tracks, and that’s why you’re not able to play just one track in existing playlists. However, you can create your own playlists and your playlist can consist of one track you like, and when a track is over, playing will stop.
See next question: How to create a PlayList
How do I create my own Playlist?
In Playlists tap Create Playlist, enter its name (anything you like), and then tap Submit
Now you can see your playlist and it’s time to add your favorite tracks there. For this tap on your created playlist and then tap a plus icon at the right top corner
You’ll see the list of all tracks available in the app and here you can select what tracks to add to your playlist. For example, you want to add only one track. For this tap a tick icon next to a track you want to be added (the icon will turn blue), and then tap Done at the right top corner.
Now you have your own playlist with one track
Where do the statistics regarding the prevalence of PTSD, chronic pain etc, quoted in the video, come from?
The statistic that 3 out of 4 people will be exposed to a traumatic event with up to 1 in 4 of them developing PTSD, (ie; 1 in 10 people overall), comes from the University of Melbourne Phoenix Australia Centre for Posttraumatic mental health;
Chronic Pain;
The statistic that 1 in 4 people (on average) will develop chronic pain comes from a 2003 review by the IASP; ‘How Prevalent is chronic pain’
Emotional neglect and abuse;
The statistic that 1 in 3 people will struggle as a result of emotional abuse or neglect (probably a conservative figure) comes from a 2015 review by the Amsterdam Centre for Family Law; ‘The prevalence of child maltreatment across the globe: Review of a series of meta-analyses.’
Is there any scientific evidence that auditory bilateral stimulation works?
Grant M. (2014) Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing treatment of chronic pain. OA Musculoskeletal Medicine Aug. 17(2), 17.
Jefferies, Fiona &Davis, Paul (2012) What is the Role of Eye Movements in Eye Movement
Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? A Review. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, Available on CJO doi:10.1017/S1352465812000793
When using the BLS tracks should I let my thoughts just happen naturally about whatever I’m randomly thinking about or should I use the BLS and focus my thoughts on some type of relaxation / sleep technique (eg. a body scan or focusing on my breathing & try and stop the random thoughts coming into my head)?
Good question
The answer is it depends. In the first instance you shouldn’t try to do anything, just let the BLS do its work. But if it is not producing the desired relaxation or symptom-relief, then feel free to push things along a bit by thinking of your safe place, healing colour etc.
I am trying to figure out the arrow buttons on the bottom corners of the sleep restore screen. There are cross crossing ones on the left and back and forth arrows in the right which when pressed once show a small red circle with the numeral 1 and when pressed a second time show a 2.
The two arrows mean that the songs are playing in a shuffled order. You can change this in the settings menu under “shuffle”.
The circle arrows refer to repeat x 1 or x 2.