Sleep Restore Based On EMDR
Overcome the Stress that’s keeping you awake
How this app can help you
Now that we have some understanding of how stress disrupts the brain functioning associated with sleep we ready to look at strategies for facilitating more normal sleep.
This app comprises 18 sleep sessions incorporating a mix of self. Hypnotic suggestions and bilateral stimulation. Some session are designed to turn off your Default Mode Network or worry circuit (tracks 1,2,4,5, and 12 from the main menu). Other sessions are designed to help stimulate decreased physical tension (tracks 1,2,8,9,12,and 16 from the main menu). Other sessions are generally aimed at helping you get to sleep (‘getting to sleep’ menu) or getting back to sleep.
Your responses to the sleep questionnaire will generate recommendations regarding which sessions are most likely to assist you. Of course everybody is different and you may also find some tracks helpful even though they might not be included in those recommended so do feel free to sample all of the sessions.
Finally, if your responses indicate that you might be suffering from a serious sleep disorder (eg; sleep apnea, Restless Leg syndrome) and you need additional professional help, you will be advised of this.